Caustic Ballet is an indoor immersive installation mixing volumes, light and sound, whose size and form can vary. A set of plexiglass tubes is dispatched in the venue, creating a site specific sculpture adapted to the space. On each tube is projected a light motion sequence creating light difractions called «Caustics». 
The difractions spreads in the room, immerging the audience in a sub-aquatic universe made of glittering evanescent lights. The shape of the caustics vary following a 10 minute graphic sequence, sustained by a bewitched soundtrack. Caustic Ballet is an audiovisual and architectural dialogue based on the variations of caustic difractions in a dedicated space. The light difracted throught the sculpture reveals the volumes with shimmering light touches. This light ballet resonates with it’s environment and create an immersive space, giving the feeling of a submerged surrounding. The sound creation synchronized with the motion graphics increases our perception of luminous events in the room, inviting the public to move inside the room and change point of view.
The installation has been showcased during 1 month at Fiat Lux exhibition, curated by Julien Taïb.
Medium: sculpture, plexiglass, video projection, sound
Fiat Lux - Centre d'art Tignous, Montreuil, France.

Photo credit: © Leslie Rosenzweig

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