Light Fountain is a site-specific installation, a sculpture augmented with light and sound, set on a water surface. As in a digital « Zen garden » where time seems to be dilated, this installation invites us to take a break and relax. In our present time where everything keeps accelerating, this fountain of light softly unfolds in a deep and slow breath. Water as a vector of peacefulness and relaxation, but also fun, fear, creativity or conflict, water as our primary resource, structurally essential to us.
Through an apparently simple and basic mechanism, Light Fountain proposes a subtle dialogue between volumes, lights and sounds, constantly modifying our perception of the sculpture and its surroundings, taking us into a world where shadows play with lights. Such language tends to transform movements linked with water (drops and cascades) into lights and sounds. Thus, we can form pictures in a narrative sequence based on our sense of observation and our expectations. Through such interaction between lights and sounds, the visitor will be able to get his own free interpretation of the installation presented to him.
The installation has been showcased for 4 days at Pléiades festival, curated by Raphaël Jourgeon.
Medium: Sculpture, wood, forex, trans-sound canvas, video projection, LED, 16 channels sound system.
Pléïades 2019, Festival des arts numériques - Saint-Etienne, France.
Concept design: Joan Giner - Sound design: Christophe Rault - Production: Sainté Shopping - Venue: Le9bis - Production manager: Julien Taïb - Chief Constructor: Julien Guenegou - Technical support: Gipsa Lab - Thanks to: CDA Enghien-les-Bains

Photo credit: @Joan Giner