Abstact waves is a videomapping projection on a triangle facet sculpture. The psychedelic sequence projected is fractal based and behaves like a low polygon piece of wave.
This project started with a display issue. While working on a completly different project, I swaped view in my program and the graphic animation of abstract waves came to me, out of nowhere. Digital ghost, spontaneous graphic generation, hazard? One thing for sure, these pictures I had created without meaning it, came to me to exist. Abstract wave is the result of this encounter.
For once in my creation process, the motion graphic came before the projection support, therefore the volume was designed according to the geometry of the graphics. Abstract waves is a 5 minute video loop, the motion sequence creates the illusion that the support sculpture moves back and forth, and looks like waves crossing and merging at the surface of the sea.
Medium: Wood or Corian sculpture, video projection.
Galery exhibition 2019 - "L'eau, parfois, transportre le temps" - Floréal Belleville - Paris, France.