Visualize the unseen, feel the heartbeat of the city.
Data Cityscape is a data driven light installation designed for public spaces in smart cities.
The installation emphasis the architecture of the city by using existing volumes as a support for a light design sequence, moving in rythm and color like the heartbeat of the city.
The light sequence is animated following the realtime datas of the city. The installation displays a color evolving slowly in intensity when the city is asleep and faster at the rush hours. At anytime Data Cityscape offers a unique real time visualisation of our impact on the environment and the human traffic density.
The installation was showcased for 6 month, curated by Jérôme Villeneuve.
Medium: Wood, metal, LED, realtime data
Exhibition 2022 - "EXPERIMENTA LA BIENNALE" - university campus - Grenoble, France.
Concept / design: Joan Giner - Production: UGA Grenoble - Production manager: Julien Taïb - Technical support: Jean-Baptiste Guedon
Photo credit: © Leslie Rosenzweig

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